
Secured check-in is from 15:00.

Check-out is before 12 noon on the day of departure.

It depends on the dates of your stay. You’ll find this information about your reservation at the bottom of your booking confirmation. However, if you have not yet booked, you will find this information highlighted in green when searching our booking engine.

Yes, but only for flexible cancellation policies that explicitly state this.

Smoking is only permitted in specific open areas. The rooms and the rest of the interior of the hotel are non-smoking.

Pets are not allowed in our establishment.

Any object left behind by a customer in our establishment which is found by our staff will be sent to reception and stored for 30 days.

No, all rooms are doubles with a maximum capacity of 2 people.


Yes, parking is available in our hotel. If you wish to book a place, please contact us and we will check availability and prices. reserva@hotelmonica.comTelephone: +34977795364

Yes, but only for guests. For more information about availability and price, please send an email to

Our hotel only offers breakfast service. Nevertheless, we offer snacks throughout the day at the bar.

Yes, the pool is open whenever the hotel is open. Opening hours are from 10 am to 8 pm.

Yes, towels are available on deposit (cash only) at reception.


Yes, we have an adapted room with an adapted bathroom.

Yes, there is a kettle in the room along with a coffee maker. The service is included in the room rate.